HALF. A Singleplayer HALF-LIFE 2 Conversion.

Over the next few weeks we will be providing some additional Concept Art Work developed by our concept artist and team leader nOIR..

Screenshots will be available soon. Once we have done the rest of the dev.work as well as the whole story and game flow we will provide you with nice shots and weekly updates regarding HALF's des. status.

Here a couple sample images from our modeling department.

For more of these please head over developer page.

The only way to get out is to kick in. Gordon Freeman decided to no longer play the puppet role for the G-man and whatever there is behind this man. He is now out there someplace preparing his response to the whole thing. There is nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to loose, they say. Oh yes, there is: Gordon Freeman. Taking his chance out digging deeper and deeper to reveal the truth.

HALF story quote.

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Updates will be posted as we progress..
All media or web inquiries can be directed to cafenoirmod@hotmail.com